Bare-metal serveriai su AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950X3D procesoriais jau prieinami mūsų NL lokacijoje. Užsisakyti galite spustelėję čia.


Tinklaraščio įrašai

2019 Rugpjūčio 13

User Awareness Training - Why this is necessary?

With the cost of data breaches rising, organizations are spending a lot of money to improve their cyber defenses and prevent cybercriminals from...

2019 Liepos 1

New Services Coming to Bacloud USA data center

Because our expansion to the United States was met with such a great success that it exceeded all of our expectations, we’ve decided to bring two...

2019 Birželio 27

Bacloud data center speed improvement to Asia, Test results.

We got announced, that our International network service provider RETN announces a significant upgrade of its Eurasian network running through...

2019 Birželio 3

Intel CPU Generations and the Technology Behind Them

    Every time Intel announces a new CPU generation, tech enthusiasts around the world rejoice, looking forward to increased performance, lower...

2019 Geg 20

VPS Server Versus Dedicated Server - Which is better?

  The chances are that you have a website and are looking for the best way how to improve its performance. After doing some research, you’ve pro...

2019 Balandžio 9

Intel CPU Generations Explained

Choosing the right CPU for the job is critical, but that’s easier said than done because of how confusing CPU generations can be. In this...

2019 Kovo 21

Colocation and Its Many Advantages vs. In-House Data Center

    Today, businesses of all sizes must make the right decision for their data center in order to create a solid, dependable IT foundation for...

2019 Kovo 5

Bacloud tikisi įsitvirtinti tarp Top3 tiekėjų Lietuvos hostingo rinkoje

          UAB "Informacinės sistemos ir technologijos", valdanti prekinį ženklą "Bacloud" auga septinmyliais žingsniais. Pagal pasku...

2019 Vasario 16

Announcing Windows Server 2019 with Bacloud dedicated servers and VPS

  Bacloud data center now supports Microsoft Windows Server 2019, providing customers with an easy and flexible way to get up and running...